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inter airport China 2018展会规模、展商和观众数量均打破记录,共有4,314名专业观众和买家来到现场,展商数量较2016年增长19%,观众数量增长22%,展位净面积增长20%。在展会现场,您不仅能看到来自20个国家和地区,近240家企业和品牌带来最创新的产品和最先进的思想理念,还能见到来自前50大机场和各大航空公司的决策者,这都充分体现了inter airport China不仅为国内与全球知名机场设备供应商之间搭建了一个开展交流与合作的平台,还为我国民用机场建设与发展起到了积极的推动作用。

A total of 4,314 industry buyers lled the aisles at the latest edition of inter airport China. In what was already a record-breaking edition in terms of exhibition space, equating to a 19% increasing on the exhibitor number, 22% increase on the visitor number and 20% increase of the net area of booth compare to the 2016 show. At the exhibition, you can see the most innovative products and the most advances ideas brought by 240 enterprises and brands from 20 countries and regions, while you can also see decision makers from the top 50 airports and major airlines. This fully demonstrates that inter airport China not only establishing a platform for exchanges and cooperation between domestic airports and world-renowned airport equipment suppliers, but also plays a positive role in promoting the construction and development of China's civil airports.

Exhibitor Testimonials:

Four Major Theme Forums & Seminars
作为每一届inter airport China的亮点,同期论坛和会议保持专业水准的同时,又注入了新的思考,再次升级。迈布克斯(上海)会议展览有限公司,联合中国民航技术装备有限责任公司、《民航管理》杂志社精心筹备了为期三天近30场的研讨会。超过250名嘉宾和与会代表包括成都天府国际机场、新疆机场集团、云南机场集团、中国民航大学、四川机场集团等重点民航单位参与了在会议室举办的“民用机场特种车辆安全运营研讨会”和“民航工程建设及招投标研讨会”。在8A室内展馆举办的“中国机场建设与发展论坛”和“展商新技术交流会”吸引众多观众驻足聆听,座无虚席。

As the highlight of each inter airport China, the forum has infused new thinking and upgraded again while maintaining professional standards. Mack Brooks (Shanghai) Exhibitions together with AVITEC and CAMM prepared a three-day seminar for nearly 30 sessions. In addition, the exhibition also welcomed over 250 delegates to the high-level conference sessions hosted by lead media partner Civil Aviation Management Magazine.They also organised an extensive drop-in seminar program in the hall.

Indoor & Outdoor Exhibiting Area

Indoor exhibitors show the latest products in terminal, airport data and airport design, including baggage handling, security, security, access control technology, check-in desk, lighting and HVAC, and airport seating, etc., to show the professional audience from the moment you step into the airport, technology is everywhere, the future of the development of Smart Airport rapid , beyond your wildest imagination.

The outdoor exhibiting area is ingenuity. The exhibitor Weihai Guangtai is the rst domestic pure electric serpentine transport cargo loader. Toyota displays the rst-class electric tractor, Precede Machinery shows electric scissor lift and the 52-meter-high arm. The lifts, CIMC-Tianda Holdings Company showcased the airport shuttle bus and the aviation food dining car, and the Sinotruk Liuzhou Yunli Kodiak Machinery displayed a multi-functional deicing and snow removal vehicle and other dazzling destination equipment to make the audience shine.
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