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距离展会开幕还剩5天,预登记报名通道也即将关闭,截止至今,虽然展位已售罄,可依然抵挡不住展商联系主办方想要参展的热情,预登记观众人数也突破往届。为了回馈广大观众和展商对于本届 inter airport China的支持与期待,主办方也如约在临近展会之时,抽选出了最后一批获的小米手环的10位预登记观众。没有获奖的预登记观众也不要气馁,主办方为了感谢各位预登记观众长久以来的持续关注,也在展会现场为大家准备了其他礼品,欢迎各位届时到主办方办公室领取。

Five days left before the opening of the exhibition, and the pre-registration channel will be closed. Up to now, although the booth has been sold out, it still can’t resist the enthusiasm of the exhibitors to contact the organizers to participate in the exhibition. The number of pre-registered visitors has also exceeded the previous ones. In order to give back to the visitors and exhibitors for their support and expectation of the inter airport china; the organizers also selected the 10 pre-registered viewers of the last list of the 10 smart band winners as near the opening of the exhibition. In addition, the pre-registered visitors who did not win the smart band please do not be discouraged. The organizer also prepared other gifts for everyone in order to thank the pre-registered visitors for their long-term attention. All visitors are welcome to the organizer’s office to pick up your gifts.


Instruction of collecting prizes:
Congratulations to the above 10 pre-registered lucky draw winners for 10 smart band. Please collect your prizes from September 5th to September 7th during the inter airport china 2018(only for these three days) with your ID card and business card to the organizer’s office (China International Exhibition Center, Beijing). The prizes will not be awarded of the winners don’t show up. The Winners shall keep the phone turned on and the organizer will also contact the winners in turn to confirm the relevant information. The right of the final interpretation of the lottery is owned by the organizer Mack Brooks Exhibitions.
电话/Tel:+86-21 5204 9711
传真/Fax:+86-21 5204 9737